Overhead wires over portable pool

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New mexico
So I’m doing a service upgrade on a residential property. Currently the overhead wires from poco are above the above ground swimming pool customer has. If I install new service in same location as existing service can overhead wires be above pool.
Table 680.9(A) gives you overhead conductor clearances. I'm going to guess that the service conductors are not high enough for an above ground pool... but that should have been coordinated when they installed the pool. It may be wise to contact the POCO or AHJ prior to starting the job. And even discuss the issue with the owner.
Does the pool have a diving board? What do you want to bet that at some point somebody has jumped off the diving board and dunked a volleyball over the overhead conductors?
Overhead service conductors are not low currently, just didn’t know if they were able to go over pool to service mast. But seeing table 680.9a it looks like I can as long as it as a clearance of 22.5ft
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