240.4(B) Devices Rated 800 Amps or less, permits the next higher standard overcurrent device rating if (2) the ampacity of the condutors does not correspond with the standard ampere rating of a fuse or a circuit breaker. 240.4(F) Transformer Secondary Conductors, for single phase transformers only, permits the secondary conductors to be protected by the primary overload provided that value does not exceed the value determined by muyltiplying the secondary conductor ampacity by the secondary to primary transformer voltage ratio.
Question: For the purpose of selecting a secondary conductor, are you permitted to use the rounding up rule, or, does the value of transformer ration x primary protection create an absolute threshold that can't be crossed.
Question: For the purpose of selecting a secondary conductor, are you permitted to use the rounding up rule, or, does the value of transformer ration x primary protection create an absolute threshold that can't be crossed.