My power company is a Co-op and they allow us to purchase wire from them. They sell Underground Aluminum Triplex, but there tripex is sized a little different than what I am used to.
What I am used to is 4/0 - 4/0 - 2/0 and that is used normally for a 200 residental service. Theirs is 4/0 - 4/0 - 4/0, all properly marked.
The question is....are there any advantages, significant advantages to oversizing the neutral that much? The cost difference is minimal.
What I am used to is 4/0 - 4/0 - 2/0 and that is used normally for a 200 residental service. Theirs is 4/0 - 4/0 - 4/0, all properly marked.
The question is....are there any advantages, significant advantages to oversizing the neutral that much? The cost difference is minimal.