overunity generators

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Senior Member
hey guys ive heard a little bit about this and it sounds kinda interesting. theyve got some supposedly working models on youtube but you know how that is , could be anything. but still its a cool idea. just wondered what you guys thought and if any body has tinkered with anything like this


Senior Member
Right here.
Is that the one where some nutcase drags around a 1,000 horsepower "generator" on a trailer and does street corner preaching about it like a traveling carnival act?


Senior Member
Interesting how they all want 'investors' (read 'suckers').

These are the same types of goofballs that insisted in college that they could create a perpetual motion machine by running a flashlight from a generator that was powered from a solar panel using the flashlight.

Physics still apply on planet Earth, and in this case the law of conservation of energy is of particular interest.


Senior Member
coulter said:
""overunity generator" Does that mean the power factor is leading?

No. Leading or lagging, the power factor is still a percentage which means it has to be a number between zero and one. Overunity would imply a power factor greater than one which would mean a machine that produces more power than it uses.
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