Owner Furnished Equipment

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Senior Member
Curious to hear thoughts on owner furnished equipment related to the NEC. Let’s use an industrial test cell, for instance. Does the owner equipment need to be listed? Does the equipment require working/equipment clearances? Is it typically AHJ ok to note this equipment on plans as owner furnished contractor installed as thought it were a black box outside the scope of design? If the equipment is listed, but possibly uses standards outside of the US it would be permissible? How about wiring methods by owner - do those need a listing?
Curious to hear thoughts on owner furnished equipment related to the NEC. Let’s use an industrial test cell, for instance. Does the owner equipment need to be listed?


Does the equipment require working/equipment clearances?

Maybe, but it doesn't always have to. I would say most times it's outside the scope of the NEC. Carry this style thinking out logically and the NEC work space requirements would apply to light fixtures.

Is it typically AHJ ok to note this equipment on plans as owner furnished contractor installed as thought it were a black box outside the scope of design?

If it's not under the scope of the NEC the ahj doesn't need a black box to hide things in, or note anything. The ahj just needs to stay within the scope of the authority it has.

If the equipment is listed, but possibly uses standards outside of the US it would be permissible? How about wiring methods by owner - do those need a listing?

​​​​​​No, not as far as the NEC because they don't do listing and they shouldn't. There is already enough of an unholy alliance between the NEC and the ul and that needs to be beat back with a vengeance.
Thanks, Dave. I agree. Do you have a suggested black and white text I can point others to in order for the matter to be less just our opinions? I struggle with this issue.
Being i hail from the 'state code forgot' , i'll simply state it comes down to liability

we don't have to be responsible for the work /materials of 'others'

which i'm always quick to point out to my AHJ

his prob, not mine....:cool:

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