Paddle wheel aerator

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Hello everybody, I have a question related to 682.14, I need to feed several paddle wheel aerators that will be feed with #12 AWG flat submersible pump cable, the owner of this plant bought about 23,000 ft of this cable in the 3 wire configuration because the seller of this aerator told him that a EGC wasn't needed because the equipment didn't come with a lug to connect the EGC.
My question is, can a #12 AWG EGC (according to 682.31) be brought to the aerator rolled up with the flat cable? and what kind of conductor does it has to be taking into account that it will be submersed on salty water.

Thanks for the help!
I have wired submersible pumps on floating water reservoir covers, used submersible pump cable run inside carflex for protection. For the EGC look at XHHW-2, or get a green submersible pump wire
For the aerator, the issue of a missing EGC/terminal is odd. Submersible pumps have a pigtail that is spliced onto a drop cable
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While I don't like it, it is my opinion that 300.3(B)(3) would permit the proposed installation, assuming a non-ferrous cable jacket.
So #12 AWG XHHW-2 copper wire rolled up with the flat submersible pump cable could work for this installation or the AHJ would have the last word? or any other non ferrous jacket wire could work?
The motor of the aerator does have a legend that it must to be grounded.
So #12 AWG XHHW-2 copper wire rolled up with the flat submersible pump cable could work for this installation or the AHJ would have the last word? or any other non ferrous jacket wire could work?
The motor of the aerator does have a legend that it must to be grounded.
Based on the language of 110.2, the AHJ always has to approve the installation. Before you try this, I would suggest you talk to the AHJ.
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