Hi, I need to quote a job for a trailor park and was curious how others would go about this.. There are about 60+ of these pagoda lights on the property now and what they want to do is move them an average of 3' to 5' so they are a foot off the street and install a aluminum post with a incondescent postlight and a 40w CF pigtail screw in lamp. I was going to cut the conduit at whatever level they are bureid at, make underground connections and then run 14/2 UF wire out about 3' and install the post and light... Any thoughts are appreciated. They are on being fed by AWG 14, the existng pagodas are all 13w compact fluorescent lights and would be changed to a 40w CF pigtail screw in lamp. I think I need to find out how many breakers there are controlling these and how many lights are on each breaker. The GC says it won't be a problem and also told me this is a retrofit job and no permits are needed?? Does this sound right? I usually don't get permits on retrofits but they are usually smaller jobs but taking for granted that I have enough power?? ...
Thanks JB
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