Panel after disco

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In course of changing out fed-pac panel I found that the feed from garage (where meter / 200a disco is found) is only 2-hot and neutal.Ground
at that point had been broken off at grade, so I drove new gnd rod there and new gnd rod at house
w/ 4/0 out of what is really sub-panel.There is currently no metal between gar. and house.Question is , should I tell H/O no phone/ tv cable /plumbing can be connected between them
or w/ gnd rods at both locations, is it safe??


Senior Member
Re: Panel after disco

Hm.... The panel at house is considered a subPanel and the Neutral and ground needs to be seperated per code. Meaning that feeding the House from the main which at the Garage requires 4 conductors- 2 hots, 1 neutral, 1 ground. If cable and telephone need a ground have them drive their own ground rod or connect to a cold water pipe.

Now. If the garage does not contain a water pipe then you will have to drive 2 ground rods 6' apart. Then you will be required to drive a ground rod at the main house if you do not run an isolated grounding wire from the garage and bond it to the neutral at the house main panel.

Gee am I talking in circles here.. Sec. 250 is the largest section in the code and the most confusing to explain.
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