Panel as raceway

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I have an existing 75kva transformer feeding 2 -150a panels side by side. Panel A sits on left and Panel B on right. I dont want to cross conduits because i like keeping conduits organized and straight as they leave panels. I want to nipple panels A and B together so i can feed thru panels instead of crossing a couple conduits over each other. I want to know if NEC allows this to happen. I want to say YES. ART 312.8 is the place i get this from. Ia there anther address in NEC i am missing
The XFMR feeds each panel seperately. one conduit A one conduit B. The panels dont feed thru each other

A little off topic but in this scenario, does the wire feeding each panel have to be sized to carry the secondary current of the XFMR? Or as long as you have a main breaker in each panel the wire is considered protected?
A little off topic but in this scenario, does the wire feeding each panel have to be sized to carry the secondary current of the XFMR? Or as long as you have a main breaker in each panel the wire is considered protected?
If the primary or secondary protection of the transformer does not adequately protect the individual feeders, then they are protected by the main breakers at the load end of each, but must be qualified under one of the feeder tap rules for that downstream protection to be sufficient.
If, OTOH, they are able to carry the full transformer secondary current (as established by primary or secondary OCPD) then they are not taps and can be run under less restricted rules.
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If the primary or secondary protection of the transformer does not adequately protect the individual feeders, then they are protected by the main breakers at the load end of each, but must be qualified under one of the feeder tap rules for that downstream protection to be sufficient.
If, OTOH, they are able to carry the full transformer secondary current (as established by primary or secondary OCPD) then they are not tapas and can be run under less restricted rules.

Ok thanks
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