Panel grounds

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Brandon Loyd

Senior Member
I have an existing panel with an equipment ground landed on the neutral bus bar. There are no neutrals in this panel as they are all motor loads. There is one other branch circuit ground landed on the neutral bus bar. But there is no bonding jumper to the panel can. Don't you always have to bond at least one ground the any metal enclosure if it passes through, with the exception of isolated grounds?
I have an existing panel with an equipment ground landed on the neutral bus bar. There are no neutrals in this panel as they are all motor loads. There is one other branch circuit ground landed on the neutral bus bar. But there is no bonding jumper to the panel can. Don't you always have to bond at least one ground the any metal enclosure if it passes through, with the exception of isolated grounds?

I am not sure I understand. Nothing new.:grin:

Is this a main panel with no bonding jumper to the can or a sub panel without a separate grounding bar?
I have an existing panel with an equipment ground landed on the neutral bus bar. There are no neutrals in this panel as they are all motor loads. There is one other branch circuit ground landed on the neutral bus bar. But there is no bonding jumper to the panel can. Don't you always have to bond at least one ground the any metal enclosure if it passes through, with the exception of isolated grounds?
If this is a subpanel, does the feeder supplying it contain a neutral conductor and a separate equipment grounding conductor (EGC)?

If there is a neutral in the feeder, then the two "grounds" landed on the neutral bus bar need to be relocated to the EGC.

If there is no neutral in the feeder, and the neutral bus bar is not connected to the EGC by a bonding screw or other bond, then the bond must be added.

Lift the branch circuit EGCs from the neutral bus bar and check for continuity between the panel can and the bus bar (if there is no feeder neutral) to determine if the neutral bus bar is truly floating.
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