Panel Labor

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Senior Member
Not taking books with labor units in your opinion and all else being the same except MCB size would you labor a 150A MCB panelboard differently then a 225A?
It would be a little heavier because of the bus.....possibly also beefier supports. We never labor differently.
Unless you are simply talking the time for mounting the panel, I would have a difference due to accounting for conductor size and extra time manipulating the larger conductors and terminations. Bigger takes longer.
Unless you are simply talking the time for mounting the panel, I would have a difference due to accounting for conductor size and extra time manipulating the larger conductors and terminations. Bigger takes longer.
Feeder conductors/terms, IMO, are labored separately.
Not taking books with labor units in your opinion and all else being the same except MCB size would you labor a 150A MCB panelboard differently then a 225A?
It would be a little heavier because of the bus.....possibly also beefier supports. We never labor differently.
You can't even buy a panelboard with a 150 amp buss. You can get the manufacture to provide "150 amps" on the nameplate but its will have a 225 or 250 amp buss (depending on manufacture) regardless of the nameplate.
Feeder conductors/terms, IMO, are labored separately.
I believe the panel feeder terms are included in say a 200A, 400A panel and all branch terms are not, but getting into distribution boards, switchboards all terms including main need to be added. Some software or labor unit books can vary on this
Not taking books with labor units in your opinion and all else being the same except MCB size would you labor a 150A MCB panelboard differently then a 225A?
It would be a little heavier because of the bus.....possibly also beefier supports. We never labor differently.
A 150A MCB panelboard is typically same bus as 225 amp, the 150 amp limiting factor is the breaker installed.

May not always been that way but past 30 years these things are more modular in nature and they use a lot of same base components for several finished products.
The only time labor changes is when the amount of labor needed to install are different. 84 space panel? more labor than a 42. 96" tub vs a 48" tub? More labor.
The only time labor changes is when the amount of labor needed to install are different. 84 space panel? more labor than a 42. 96" tub vs a 48" tub? More labor.
Within reason anyway. If you have 84 space panel but only land 42 circuits it takes about same labor to land them as it does to land them in the 42 circuit panel.

A 96" cabinet doesn't necessarily take twice the amount of time to install as a 48" cabinet either, though it often will take at least some more because it is larger, heavier, etc.
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