Panel location In a mobile food trailer..

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Houston, tx
Have a mobile food trailer and the panel is located under the sink which I would think that would classify it as a wet location. Either way is ther anything in the NEC that says a panel can be placed under a sink? If there is could anyone reference the section and if there isn't could you reference the section saying it cannot be done. Thanks
Have a mobile food trailer and the panel is located under the sink which I would think that would classify it as a wet location. Either way is ther anything in the NEC that says a panel can be placed under a sink? If there is could anyone reference the section and if there isn't could you reference the section saying it cannot be done. Thanks

Was this trailer built at a factory and does it have labeling on it?

The NEC likely has nothing to do with it.
Couldn't find anything..

Couldn't find anything..

The trailer was built by one company and retrofitted by another company. There is obviously nothing wet under the sink however it's a wash station style sink so there is always to possibility of water under the sink. The whole trailer to me is wired wrong, there are sink outlets and no gfci protection and a lot more. I tried rummaging through the NEC but didn't find anything about mobile food trucks so I had to reach out and ask.
The wiring may suck and likely does it is just there is no cover in the NEC to make someone change it since it falls outside of the scope of the NEC. You can appeal to someones sense of good taste and safety to change things.

The panel under the sink, I wouldn't worry about. A four wire feed to the trailer and everything inside wired correctly, ie. the same as a mobile home, would be something I would push for.
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