panel replacemenT

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I have to replace a panel and service wire leading to pan outside. the meter doesnt have a disconnect. when replacing will i have to add in a disconnect at the meter pan according to code?
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230.70(A)(1) requires that the service disconnecting means be installed at a readily accessible location either outside of a building or inside nearest the point on entrance of the service conductors.

There are variables that may affect your installation. Some of the variables are local laws, if there are any.

NEC code wise, also has variables.
What is the distance from building entry to the panel? Does the existing panel have a service main breaker? Are there six or less overcurrent devices in the panel you have posted about? Are you adding additional breakers?
Around here, a replacement would be allowed without an outside main, where a new installation would require one, if you're not "increasing the risk."

That means that, as long as you're not upsizing the service, or lengthening the cable run, an outside main doesn't have to be added if there wasn't one.

Without a doubt, you should ask whoever will be inspecting the work, and before even pricing it if you can. Otherwise, figure on adding the outside main.
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