Customer wants a 100 A panel on the 2ND floor of his garage. There is now an existing 100 A panel on the 1st floor of the garage that is fed from a lateral URD from the main house. It's a #2 three wire URD ALUM, two hots and a neutral. Two grounding electrodes installed at this panel and no other metallic path back to the house. The neutral is bonded to the panel and as far as I can see everything looks good. I plan to feed the 2ND floor panel from a 100 A disconnect in the 1st floor panel with #2 SER ALUM run on the inside of the garage protected from physical damage. The grounding and grounded conductors will be isolated and the bonding screw removed in the new 2ND floor panel. This is the first time I've done this sub panel to sub panel in a remote building and wanted to see if you guys see any holes in my plan. Thanks