Panelboard behind door update.

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Just wanted to update on previous two threads that panelboard behind door was rejected citing that it was violation of nec 110.26 (a) by AHJ inspector. Explained that door closed it would give enough workspace but was told it is still a violation. We relocated the panel so that it was not behind door and comply per nec 110.26 (a).

Thanks for all who responded.

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The inspector is no more the AHJ of the electrical world than a cop is the AHJ of the law and order world. No one person should have that much power. They are both agents of a bigger structure, usually the state or county building department. A cop can't make up his own speed limits and an inspector can't make up his own work space rules.
First off the inspector is not the AHJ, he is an agent of the AHJ.

Second the inspector is wrong and you do a disservice to every electrical contractor by not standing up against his misinterpretation of the code.

The inspector is no more the AHJ of the electrical world than a cop is the AHJ of the law and order world. No one person should have that much power. They are both agents of a bigger structure, usually the state or county building department. A cop can't make up his own speed limits and an inspector can't make up his own work space rules.
Well said.

Did anyone read "we" as in company I work for not just me.

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"we" or "I" still the same. You complied to inspector's request that you should not have to. Just because the inspector asks you to do something it does not mean you should do it.

Always, Always question the authority.
Well did any of you contest the inspectors call?

Yes but i was not involve in the contest. These type of things are handled by senior EEs who are mainly mechanical. They didnt know how to fight back I suppose. I explained to senior engineers really it is code complaint but not sure what they rely back to the inspector or thought much about it.

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That's not a violation if the door is closed.
The advantage of this is there will be no storage in front of the electrical panels. I typically see stuff in front of electrical panels, which is a violation...
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