Panelboard Doors

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I'm involved in the electrical design for a local elementary school renovation. The school is quite old. Each classroom has a small (usually 4 breaker) panelboard, very old, just a metal cover flush with the wall and breakers sticking out. No 'door' on the panel.

Ignoring the obvious problems with having operable circuit breakers in an elementary school classroom, is there a CODE requirement for a panelboard to have a door?

I've been unable to find anything in the code requiring one. Perhaps this falls under having a dead-front?

Thanks for your help.
240.30 General.
(B) Operating Handle. The operating handle of a circuit breaker shall be permitted to be accessible without opening a door or cover
The panel you showed does not come with a door and there is really no reason for one other than to keep hands off. Perfectly legal-but I bet those breakers will get flipped a few times. :)
I'm guessing they don't make an exact match, and this wouldn't make it "safer" but, would breaker locks be helpful?
I see a violation of 110.26 with that t stat and if you add a door you might just be adding another. If high enough of floor and not been a problem i would leave it alone assuming bus bars are still good. What is that thing under the panel ?
Panels without doors are no problem if came without.
Look again or show me.:)

What brand do those look like to you?

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