Re: Panelboard MLO vs. MCB
There has to be some manner of overcurrent protection for the conductors that provide power to each of the three panels. If the "disconnect" you mentioned (all three of which are in the same area) has overcurrent protection (which I tend to doubt), then you can use a MLO panel, regardless of the distance. If it is just an on/off switch, then you need overcurrent protection somewhere.
240.21(B)(2) will tell you that you don't always have to have that overcurrent protection at the starting point of the conductors. You can add a breaker or fuse immediately downstream of the disconnect, and run a million miles of cable to an MLO. But if you don't have overcurrent protection there, then you must have it at the panel.
Being a "Lighting and Appliance Panel," as opposed to "Power Panel," is not relevant to your question.