Panelboard or load center?

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Dave Skofstad

New member
Antioch, IL, USA
I have been asked to quote a project in Milwaukee, WI which consists of a two-story building having eight sleeping rooms and two shared baths on the second floor and a new convenience store on the first floor. My client, the landlord, has agreed to upgrade the service. The new first floor tenant will do the c-store build-out. No work is anticipated on the second floor.

I plan to install a two-meter service with 200 amp panel for the store and 100 amp for the second floor.

My question is this: Am I required to use service equipment meeting panelboard construction or can I use load centers?
Seems kinda small for both is that matching exhisting? As for the actual question personally i'd go 400i main to gutter to meters to disconnects to spaces. Then to exterior panels. Makes it one motion of the hand to shut down everthing nice and clean.
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