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Senior Member
spare capacity in a new panel(breakers)i always give 10 percent spare which is 4 for 42 pole panel. now i am told that the code states that you have to leave 20 percent or 8 breakers in 42 pole panel. is this true and where does it state this. can anyone help? thank you


Senior Member
Re: panelboards

I have never seen a code requirement that you leave additional capacity (either spaces or ampacity) in a panel. That is a design issue and as such is not covered by the NEC. I agree that a good design would leave additional capacity, but the amount is up to the designer.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: panelboards

Originally posted by sleepy: . . . now i am told that the code states that . . .
Told by whom?

If I may be allowed to indulge once again, here is "Charlie's Rule of Technical Reading":
It doesn?t say what you think it says, nor what you remember it to have said, nor what you were told that it says, and certainly not what you want it to say, and if by chance you are its author, it doesn?t say what you intended it to say. Then what does it say? It says what it says. So if you want to know what it says, stop trying to remember what it says, and don?t ask anyone else. Go back and read it, and pay attention as though you were reading it for the first time.
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