panels in mechanical room

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New EE

Is it allowed per code to have electrical panels and transformer(s) in mechanical rooms that feed other circuits outside the mechanical room? I thought I had read somewhere that the panels in mechanical rooms only could be used for the mechanical equipment within the mechanical room. Maybe I'm thinking of something else like elevator machine rooms or something. I just can't remember. Thanks.
There is no such requirement in the NEC for panels in a mechanical room. In fact it's quite common to install panels and switchboards in mechanical rooms that feed equipment elsewhere in the building.
If it is a return air plenum mechanical room you may have a problem. Many times in mechanical rooms they will have a open return right under the unit which will suck air via grill in the ceiling. If you are using PVC this is combustible. A note about combustible materials not being allowed for electrical installation in mechanical room (if it is a plenum) would cover this.
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