Alright, now I have several questions:
I am brand new (as you can tell) to this site and Forum(s).
You all need to watch Mike Holt’s little introduction again.
I saw several sarcastic comments, starting w/yours, that I was surprised to see coming from supposedly professionals (not “Do-It-Yourselfers”). Most of what I read after your starting seemed to be on the level of “High School Students” in a ”Chat Room”.
I looked back thru this website and didn’t see anything about the minimum knowledge requirement. If I missed it, please direct me to the section.
I am not an Engineer. I am an Electrician trying to self educate and improve myself.
I thought educated people were helpful and wanted to share their knowledge.
Being new to this site I can’t find my way back to read again the 45 comments.
Please tell me how to do that so I can read those comments plus the additional comments that are now up to 63.
Maybe I put my question in the wrong Forum.
Today is the first day I got the nerve to ask a question. You all certainly made me feel welcome, thanks.
I did not put my question in “Electrical Calculations/Engineering”, but I must have been in that Forum at the time.
Is there another Forum that I should have used like “didn’t go to college electrician”?
This is a question to the Moderator(s):
Did I do something wrong?
If so, let me know now because I have several other “Stupid Questions” that I am dying to ask.
I don’t know if this will go back to everyone, so if it doesn’t, can you send it on for me?
Mr. Beck - To answer your question:
No, nothing in particular.
I am working on a project that has several of these panels and transformers in the basement level and I couldn’t find the Info on the Dwgs and was hoping that you all would give me some general Info of various situations that would answer my question.
They may be a change order add that utilized the existing 480/277 (I don’t know).
If you give me some options/questions/specifics I can check to see what the panel is or Info about the transformer.
Thanks for your time and help,