Parallel Conductors

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New member
Hey guys, I have a question. I'm studying for my exam, and running into trouble understanding parallel conductors. Looking at 310.4, it speaks of running EACH phase (A, B, C) individually. I think I may be misreading it, because that doesn't seem to be the best way, imo. Or, maybe I'm misunderstanding what is meant by parallel conductors. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
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In most cases you have to run all 3 phase conductor and the neutral in the same conduit. There are some scenarios where you can run each phase in each conduit but that is unusual.
There is no 310.4, parallel conductors and the sort of things you are asking about are in 300.3(B)(1).

There is really only one place you can run each set of parallel components in individual raceways and it is described in the exception that follows.
There is no 310.4, parallel conductors and the sort of things you are asking about are in 300.3(B)(1).

There is really only one place you can run each set of parallel components in individual raceways and it is described in the exception that follows.
Most of the rules for parallel conductors are found in 310.10(H). In the 2008 and earlier codes those rules were found in 310.4.

There are exceptions in 300.3(B)(1) and 300.5(H) that talk about underground isolated phase installations.

While many don't agree with me, I see no need for either of those exceptions, as it is my opinion, that 300.3(B)(3) permits isolated phase installations anywhere you want to install them.
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