Parallel Grounding Path/grounding and bonding NEC

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New User
Colorado USA
Electrical inspector
Grounded conductor connected to a Meter enclosure

I have a service disconnect right next to a meter enclosure on a multifamily building. There are parallel runs of feeders running in some PVC from the service disconnect to the meter enclosure. The meter enclosure is manufactured so the grounded and grounding conductors are common, but its after the first point of disconnect. There is no equipment grounding conductor installed be between the service disconnect and the meter enclosure.

NEC 250.142(b) exception no. 2 says that this is acceptable as long as three conditions are met.

1: no ground fault protection of equipment is installed

2: That the meter enclosure and the service disconnect are immediately adjacent to each other

3: the size of the grounded conductor shall be not small then that size of Specified in table 250.122 (EGC size chart)

Do we need to be worried about objectionable current with this insulation?

Is the intent of this exception for existing insulations and not new?
Please update your profile to show a more accurate location, the state you are in at a minimum.

Thank you
The objectionable current is allowed in this case and the exception is for new & existing.
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