Parallel paterns of kicks

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Hello to all!. Have a rack of 3- 3\4" conduits(thinwall) 2" center to center. Need to kick all three 90/s. First 90 is 2-3/8 c2c, 2nd. is 7-3/8 c2c, 3rd, is 10-3/8 c2c. All 3 90,s are being kicked into 4/11 boxes. My question is when centers are not all the same(2-3/8,7-3/8, 10-3/8) as opposed to the conduits on the rack(2"c2c) How can I make this look at all descent. If I go 2-3/8x2,7-3/8x2, and 10-3/8x2,to center from back of 90. I should obtain a 30 degree bend for each. Or should I just do c2cx tangent of 1/2 the angle for each, and add that amount to each additional conduit, like parallel offsets. I am just trying to find a happy medium where they will all look at least descent. I love conduit bending and am really trying to grasp a understanding of the math involved. I can do parallel offsets but because these centers are not all the same, i could really use some good advice. Thanks! and God Bless America!
Hello to all!. Have a rack of 3- 3\4" conduits(thinwall) 2" center to center. Need to kick all three 90/s. First 90 is 2-3/8 c2c, 2nd. is 7-3/8 c2c, 3rd, is 10-3/8 c2c. All 3 90,s are being kicked into 4/11 boxes. My question is when centers are not all the same(2-3/8,7-3/8, 10-3/8) as opposed to the conduits on the rack(2"c2c) How can I make this look at all descent. If I go 2-3/8x2,7-3/8x2, and 10-3/8x2,to center from back of 90. I should obtain a 30 degree bend for each. Or should I just do c2cx tangent of 1/2 the angle for each, and add that amount to each additional conduit, like parallel offsets. I am just trying to find a happy medium where they will all look at least descent. I love conduit bending and am really trying to grasp a understanding of the math involved. I can do parallel offsets but because these centers are not all the same, i could really use some good advice. Thanks! and God Bless America!

You don't need to drive your self crazy with the math.

Your measurements are fine just bend and install one at a time make sure your level before the kick and after your 90deg bend going into your box.

Trying to get perfact 30 deg kicks just makes it more complicated and is unessisary to get it done.
are your 4-11's all ready mounted? they would need to be 11.5" apart and you coould use 10deg kicks and keep them 2" CtC.

I like the compromise approach.
IMO, that's what you are doing.

I have laid out boxes and conduit on a test 4x8 plywood,
attached JB with screws,
bent conduit,
and started shifting positions and bend points (rebending EMT).
It costs me several peices of EMT, but the final job is repeatable with the way I bend conduit.

I have glued bubble levels on my benders (near the bender rail) and try to follow them for repeatability.
I have added extra little bubble levels for new or odd angles (temporary). Silicon them on, and pull them off.

All this towards finding workable and repeatable bends that fit the wall first time.
Sometimes spreading the JB out by .5 inch
can produce a workable and repeatable procedure for placement and bending.
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