parallel service conductors

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I'd like to know about sizing parellel conductors. Can you take the face value of the ampacities in table 310-16 and double or triple them(depending on the # of parallel sets)? Or do you need to find the properties of the larger cond. rated for the ampacity and divide by the # of parallel sets?
Re: parallel service conductors

You can take the current carrying capacity of one conductor and multiply it by the number of phase conductors installed. However you must use table 10.15B2a to derate the circuit when necessary.
An example would be two circuits of 1/0
1 1/0 = 150 amps, 2 circuits of 1/0 150 x 2 = 300
amps assuming the circuits are installed in 2 conduits. If installed in the same conduit
you would have 6 phase conductors plus neutral.
If the neutral is not a current carrying conductor, the derated circuit would be 300 amps x .8 = 240 amps
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