Parking garage lighting control to meet IECC?

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Senior Member
Does parking garage lighting need to meet any kinds of lighting controls per IECC?
I don't see it, we used to leave the lights in parking garage on 24/24.
I don't know the answer to your question but my experience is that most owners of parking garages light up the inner core 24/7 and the outer rim from dusk til dawn.
Does parking garage lighting need to meet any kinds of lighting controls per IECC?
I don't see it, we used to leave the lights in parking garage on 24/24.
In California for outdoor lighting control
required astronomical time switch to shut down the lights during the day time automatically or photocell devices
without humans control
lights are not needed on day time
In California for outdoor lighting control
required astronomical time switch to shut down the lights during the day time automatically or photocell devices
without humans control
lights are not needed on day time

But in some parking garages, as mentioned by mgookin, there are core areas that may not get enough outside light for safety, especially with the contrast of driving from sun into shade, and the lights for those areas would be on for as long as the garage is open, or longer for security if vehicles are parked overnight.
And there are also parking garages that are not open.
As far as ventilation, if 2 or more walls are >50% open, ventilation requirements are met naturally.
Not sure if that Cali energy code addresses open vs. not open.
Those lights are still INSIDE a building, even if it's an open structure. I can't see saying you can't have them on in the daytime.

Golddigger mentions what I call the black curtain but I've never been able to convince a parking garage owner to address it with extra lighting at the entrances to mitigate it.
Most Caltrans tunnels have closer spaced energized lights near the portals than further in during the day but uniform lighting at night.
So it is in the traffic manuals if not in the garage manuals. ;)

In July CA will require controls that reduce light in unoccupied areas of the parking lot with motion sensors and multilevel luminaires in addition to astronomical time clock.
But in some parking garages, as mentioned by mgookin, there are core areas that may not get enough outside light for safety, especially with the contrast of driving from sun into shade, and the lights for those areas would be on for as long as the garage is open, or longer for security if vehicles are parked overnight.
I would incorporate motion sensor devices on those lights or exempt because of 24 hours operation
Does parking garage lighting need to meet any kinds of lighting controls per IECC?

IMO parking garages would be exempt as per 505.2.2.2 Ex. 3

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]3. Spaces where an automatic shutoff would endanger occupant safety or security.
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