parking lot lighting 2

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Re: parking lot lighting 2

One easy way is to get a lighting supplier involved. A phone call to them, with diminsions, and type of use, will get you a ballpark figure.

Or you can go through the whole calculating business following guideline from the Illuminating Engineering Society, found in most lighting fixture and lamps catalogs.

Good luck.

Rick Miell
Re: parking lot lighting 2

It really depends on many factors, including what type of facility you are talking about, what type of room in that facility, what light levels you want to achieve, and what the energy codes will allow you to install. NEC Table 220.3(A) gives you the minimum watts per square foot for various types of occupancies. But it?s purpose is to make sure the utility provides enough power to the whole building, not to achieve a minimal lighting level.

Lighting manufacturers will often provide you with a calculator that you can use to select one of their products, lay out the lighting pattern, and calculate the lighting levels at various heights above the floor.
Re: parking lot lighting 2

When doing parking lot lighting you need to know your local laws on light polution. In many states they only allow 3% fall off light on other property. And some states adopted the Dark Sky law. Here is one web site that can help.

Ruud Lighting
Re: parking lot lighting 2

the amount of light needed or lumens, depends on the recommended amount required by the occupancy, its normally given in lumens, and may be 2 lumens for a parking lot. The recommendations are in vaious publications by the IESNA. However you will find the publications expensive and hard to understand.
You best resource as pointed out is to contact the rep for a whatever fixtures you are purchasing. They can help you with the calculations and will be aware of the energy codes and ordinances. The Dark Sky association does not have laws, but rather a model lighting ordinance that is adopted into lawy by a jurisdiction.
And there are more members in the IDA than the IESNA.
I am a member of the IESNA and on the Roadway Lighting Committee.
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