parking lot pole lighting

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Does anyone know of the installation requiements of pole light bases
size and width in realtion to the height of the pole,, and how far it needs to be above grade in parking lots?...
The width and depth of the pole base needs to be determined by a structural engineer. This can be done as a one time cost. Just provide them with pole heights and weights that are typical. They might also need the EPA with multiple fixture heads.

I usually specify 36" above grade for poles that are in parking lots or likely to be in contact with vehicles. If you want your own number go to some truck dealerships and find the truck with the largest bumper height and measure it. You'd be suprised how high some of these can get.

For poles in grassy areas not directly next to a parking lot I will specify a height of 2"-4".

And taper the top edge for a little added safety.
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Pole Bases

Pole Bases

If you are pouring a base, you would probably want an engineer to provide the specs as they can become rather convoluted when considering wind loads, soil type, soil compaction, pole specs, etc.
If using a precast base, the company supplying them should provide you with the specs.
It may cost a few bucks but it may be money well spent.
You wouldn't want one of those poles laying across the hood of a Bentley.
Provide a structural engineer your pole and lamp with it's EPA number. That is it's Effective Projected Area number. Tell them your installed height, whether it's with a direct burial pole, precast base or pour in place. They will calulate the base needed for the wind loading in your area.

Good luck.
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