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North Carolina
any good are bad thoughts on partnerships? here good help is hard to find the good ones want to go out on there own It's a pay thing top pay here for a leadman is $12 per hr. I thaught that two people could help out each other and still make money.
$12 bucks? A helper will fetch $15 here if he does it right, I was getting $19 at one point as a helper.
the word "partnership" is more serious than the word "marrage". and partnerships have a larger failure rate than marrages --- now that is shocking!!! if you can swing a successful business -- you can do it on your own!! and the same goes for your prospective "partner"! i was told that 25 years ago --- and after a year found out it was true. my partner and i split after a year -- i bought him out. he went his way and lasted five years -------- i retired after 25 years --- he's still working!!
I think partnerships are rarely successful for the long term. I've seen many break apart. Often one partner is the driving force, and the other does not give as much.

With that said, I have 2 friends that have a very succesful partnership. They've been in business for about 17 years.
I was told what ever you do - Put it on paper !!
Have a written partnership agreement and so forth.
When you have you have the partnership agreement worked out then you need to work on the seperation.
Thats right work out the split up before it even comes around. Sort of a
"pre nup " .
i have seen it work only a few times. one company the two partners split the area into two parts and each handled their part of the area of business.
the other were brothers -- they fought many things out, but remained partners through it all.......................
JohnME said:
$12 bucks? A helper will fetch $15 here if he does it right, I was getting $19 at one point as a helper.

12$ an hour is absolutely sickening to me. I would just work at home depot or mcdonalds for that. No wonder they want to go out on thier own. I have made 25$ an hour as a helper. Foreman make more.

Why dont you pay a guy a liveable wage and forget the partner thing.

12 bucks for a foreman?? I still can,t believe that. :cry: :cry: :evil:
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