patient exam rooms

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mike abbott

Referencing NEC 517.2 definitions, would you consider the exam room of an optometrist's office to be a "patient care area" if all he does it give routine eye exams?
Re: patient exam rooms

I agree. The definition of "patient care area" begins with the area being part of a "health care facility." I don't think optometry fits into that description. I also think the word "examined" is intended to mean more than "read the third line," or taking a photo of the eye, or testing the internal eye pressure.
Re: patient exam rooms

I've always considered it general patient care area, at least in 2002 NEC:

1. Definition of "Health Care Facilities" includes medical and dental offices.

2. Definition of "General Care Areas" under "Patient Care Areas" mentions examining lamps, and opthalmoscopes, both of which get used in optometrists office.
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