PDU branch Circuit wiring methods

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I am doing some budget pricing on reconfiguring a IT room.
I will have a new Power Distribution Unit installed.
The question is,.....Is it permissible to install type SO cord directly from the PDU up to a cable tray, then inside the tray to the server racks, drop out of the tray to a receptacle mounted directly to the server racks?
The cable tray is the wire tray. Some runs will be very short ( under 10' ) some will longer (20' to 25' )
Thanks for your time.


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
Then I think you could have flexible cord that meets the requirements of 645.5(B) installed in a cable tray. The limit would be 15' in total length of the flexible cord and the cord must terminate in an attachment plug cap.



Senior Member
I do not think SO cord is allowed to be used in this application.

1. The reference to 645.5(B) is for the power cord coming from the I.T. equipment, not for the branch circuit.
2. 400.8(1) does not allow flexible cord to be used "as a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure."
3. Flexible cord is not considered a "wiring method" under Chapter 3.

Most PDU's I've seen are designed to sit on a raised floor with all line & load conduits feeding out of the bottom.

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