Re: Per-Unit System
Calculating in per unit makes the arithmetic a lot easier and less prone to error. With per unit, we think of everything as percentages of a common base.
We don't have to keep converting the voltages and currents at each transformer. In per unit 100% power always draws 100% amps at 100% volts, whether the voltage is 13.8 kV, 480 V or 120V.
If I select 1000 kVA as the base, then 1.0 pu power = 100% power = 1000 kVA = (1.0 pu Volts x 1.0 pu amps x 1.732). Each voltage of the power system will have its own per unit (100%) voltage, amps and impedance, but all voltage levels will use the same kVA base since power doesn?t change when it goes through a transformer.. Once I select the kVA base, all of the rest of the base values at each voltage are calculated using ohms law.
If we are have a 250 kVA load it is 0.25 per unit at 13.8 kV and 120V. It's current will be 0.25 pu at all of the voltages. So when I want to calculate the voltage drop on motor starting for the whole system, I don't have to calculate the ohms and amps at 13.8kv, ohms and amps at 480 V and make sure I do the resistance conversions through the transformer correctly and keep track of which resistance is at which voltage. I just add the per unit impedances at all voltage levels, divide into the per unit voltage at the source and I have the per unit current through the complete system during motor starting. Multiply that per unit current times the motors per unit impedance and I have the voltage during the start. I can then give my voltage drop answer in per unit "Motor voltage at starting = 0.85 pu" or in per cent "15% voltage drop" or actual voltages "0.85 x 480V = 408V".
Most equipment impedance values are expressed in per unit, such as a transformer?s impedance listed as 5.75% (0.0575 per unit). I could convert that impedance to ohms at 13.8 kV or ohms at 480 V, but it is a lot easier to leave it in per unit which is the same value on both sides of the transformer, and then convert to actual values when I am done.
One benefit of per unit is working in percentages and not actual values. If I tell you we have a 100 V drop during motor starting you don't know if that is good or bad until I tell you the voltage. (100 V is only 0.7% at 13.8 kV but 20.8% at 480V). But if I say we have a 0.2 per unit or 20.8% drop, you know the result.
I hope this helps. To fully understand per unit, check out some books on power system analysis and try some sample problems. The IEEE Red Book and books by Lew Blackburn are a good start.