Performance Standard for Journeyman Electrician

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3/4 watt

Williston, ND
I will soon turn out with my Journeyman card (hopefully). I have heard different standards that a commercial electrician should be able to met. Nothing official though. Like for example a guy should be able to run 200 feet of conduit in a day, rough in two rooms in conduit in a day. I think that it is hard to make blanket statements of a standard because every situation is a little different (many complicated bends in many pipes ran together verses a few simple bends in one pipe and wood studs verses metal studs) or am I wrong? Don't have enough experience to know yet. What standard would you guys say a journeyman electrician should be working up too to stay employed or to be considered a good hand?
3/4 watt said:
I will soon turn out with my Journeyman card (hopefully). I have heard different standards that a commercial electrician should be able to met. Don't have enough experience to know yet.

You must have worked with journeymen before to get your card so you can see how it is.

Some days you may run more than 200 ft. of conduit and others may not go so good.

I wouldn't pay much attention to those BS standards. As a young journeyman you will be expected to work with little or no supervision depending on the job. If you can keep yourself and a helper busy without someone staying on top of you to make sure that you stay working then you will do allright.

If you are not so fast then you will get faster with experience. Just work to the best of your abilities. That's all anyone can ask. If you are good then you get raises faster.
I don't set standards as each person is different and I try to use them where thier strong points will shine.

I try to surround myself with people that look at the big picture and know what the next move will be. If you stand there and wait for my to tell you, your putting in time untill you get your check.

I like people that if there is any question in thier mind, they are not to proud to ask. Beats doing it twice.
learn as much as you can, do the best job you possibly can and take your time. just because someone gets a journeyman license that doesnt mean that have to stop learning. make goals for yourself and work to meet them. the day you get a license is just the beginning of your career
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