What do y'all pay for permit fees?
Per outlet or valuation?
Here is mine. Per Outlet City Of Houston, Texas
Meter Loop and Service Up to and including 50kW 35.00
MLS 51kW – 250kW 40.00
MLS Over 45.00
Panels with eight or more circuits, ea 6.00
Outlets, each .50
Fixtures, each .50
Range receptacle 2.50
Clothes dryer 2.50
Stove top 2.50
Oven 2.50
Garbage disposal 2.50
Dishwasher 2.50
Window air conditioner receptacle 2.50
Motors Up to and including 1 HP 2.00
Over 1 – 10 HP 7.50
Over 10 HP (each additional HP) .50
Shop inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Installation inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.50
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.50
Ball park and parking lot light poles 35.00
Temporary saw poles 35.00
Temporary cut-in made permanent 35.00
Temp. Installations (Saws, spray machines, etc) 15.00
Temp. Sound equipment 20.00
Temp. Lighting installations 15.00
Reconnection fee 35.00
Per outlet or valuation?
Here is mine. Per Outlet City Of Houston, Texas
Fee Effective 07/01/06
Minimum Fee 35.00 Meter Loop and Service Up to and including 50kW 35.00
MLS 51kW – 250kW 40.00
MLS Over 45.00
Panels with eight or more circuits, ea 6.00
Outlets, each .50
Fixtures, each .50
Range receptacle 2.50
Clothes dryer 2.50
Stove top 2.50
Oven 2.50
Garbage disposal 2.50
Dishwasher 2.50
Window air conditioner receptacle 2.50
Motors Up to and including 1 HP 2.00
Over 1 – 10 HP 7.50
Over 10 HP (each additional HP) .50
Shop inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Installation inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.50
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.50
Ball park and parking lot light poles 35.00
Temporary saw poles 35.00
Temporary cut-in made permanent 35.00
Temp. Installations (Saws, spray machines, etc) 15.00
Temp. Sound equipment 20.00
Temp. Lighting installations 15.00
Reconnection fee 35.00
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