Permit Fees Cost

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What do y'all pay for permit fees?
Per outlet or valuation?

Here is mine. Per Outlet City Of Houston, Texas

Fee Effective 07/01/06​
Minimum Fee 35.00
Meter Loop and Service Up to and including 50kW 35.00
MLS 51kW – 250kW 40.00
MLS Over 45.00
Panels with eight or more circuits, ea 6.00
Outlets, each .50
Fixtures, each .50
Range receptacle 2.50
Clothes dryer 2.50
Stove top 2.50
Oven 2.50
Garbage disposal 2.50
Dishwasher 2.50
Window air conditioner receptacle 2.50
Motors Up to and including 1 HP 2.00
Over 1 – 10 HP 7.50
Over 10 HP (each additional HP) .50
Shop inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Installation inspection of incandescent electrical signs and gas or vacuum tube signs, 0-5 kVA 35.50
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.00
Each additional kVA or fraction thereof exceeding 5 kVA 7.50
Ball park and parking lot light poles 35.00
Temporary saw poles 35.00
Temporary cut-in made permanent 35.00
Temp. Installations (Saws, spray machines, etc) 15.00
Temp. Sound equipment 20.00
Temp. Lighting installations 15.00
Reconnection fee 35.00
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For electrical installation already started or completed for which no prior application for a permit has been made, the fee for such permit shall be $500.00 plus the normal fee schedule.

Minimum fee for application $45
1. a) Fixtures, Receptacles & switches 1-25 $35
b) Each 25 in ,addition to this $10
2. Range, Oven & Surface Units $20
3. Dishwasher, Garbage Disposal & Dryer $10
4. A/C Units (Central) up to 5 Tons $30
over 5 Tons $75
Air-Handler - $30
5. Burglar Alarms, Intercoms & Smoke Detectors
a) 1-10 $25
b) 11-40 - $4
c) 41 and above $2
6. Pools - Bonding, Fixtures & Receptacles
a) Above Ground $35
b) Below Ground $50
7. Water Heater - $15
8. Central Heat $20
9. Baseboard Heat Units Per 100 kW $15
10. Heat Pumps - 5 Ton $30
Over 5 ton $75
11. Service Entrance or Panels and Motor Control Sub-panels
a) 60 ?99 Amps $20
b) 100-199 Amps $30
c) 200-299 Amps $40
d) 300-399 Amps $50
Above 400 Amps - each additional 100 Amps $10
12. Generators -
a) Up to 50 kW each $50
b) 51 - 100 kW $100
c) 101 - 200 kW $200
d) 201 and above $2
13.Light Standards - 4 lights per Pole $25
14.Motors -
a)1 to 10 HP $10
b) 11 to 50 HP $45
15.Transformers -
a) 1 to 10 kW $10
b)11 to 50 kW $45
c)51 to 112 1/2 $60
16.Signs $25
17.Fractional HP Motors $5
18.Thermostats Low Voltage - $0.00
High Voltage -- same as receptacle $35
19.Whirlpool $35
20. Hot Tubs $50
77401 said:
It ain't Texas any more. Its now North Mexico.
Oklahoma is the new Texas

Rio Rojo

Oklahoma City Permits:

Minor wiring (1-4 outlets) = $27.50
Minor wiring (5 or more) = $48.50
Service upgrade (with increase in amps) = $48.50
Service upgrade (without increase in amps) = $27.50
New Residence or Major remodel = $111
New Commercial = Per ft/2
Commercial Remodel = $110
Temp Service = $20
Extra inspection = $15
Re-inspection = $35
Here on Delmarva, the following permit fees apply:

Delaware: No permits required.
Maryland: Depending on county, permit fees range from $0 to $25
Virginina: No permits required.

Now, the inspection fees are a different animal....
In Honolulu, it is a sliding scale based on the value of the work performed, with a minimum permit starting around $18 for $500 worth of work, and rises rapidly thereafter. They let you place the value, but if you set it obviously too low, then application rejected. Kaching!
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