Recently did a project told it needed no peemits, inspections and it was ready to schedule the project was in the county. Midway through project find out we needed permits by poco consultant for power outage disconnect/reconnect. We scramble to get permits everything going and finalized. One the day of the outage the lineman show up and require we bring the service up to current standards. The poco consultants never mentioned anything about bring service up current standards for the work, so the project cannot.move forward. My boss seems to think it's my fault for not know POCO standards but Like I mentioned to him. I execute the work as PM. I don't do planning/permits/estimates/site walls with customer. In my position I'm just along for the ride. I usually have a site walk after the project has been awarded so we can do take offs , gather information needed to perform the work, then execute. I do not move on the project until it's sent to me as Ready to schedule.....
We have a separate department that handles permits and requirements etc before its send to me as Ready to schedule. As PM I execute the work once everything is approved/ready to schedule I'm just irritated that somehow this is on me...but maybe it is. I took responsibility for it anyway. Unfortunately the customer doesn't have their project completed which was my main focus at the time and didn't want to argue with my boss.
We have a separate department that handles permits and requirements etc before its send to me as Ready to schedule. As PM I execute the work once everything is approved/ready to schedule I'm just irritated that somehow this is on me...but maybe it is. I took responsibility for it anyway. Unfortunately the customer doesn't have their project completed which was my main focus at the time and didn't want to argue with my boss.