Personal locks and paperwork

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Senior Member
I?m being told by some of our safety guys that there is a new OSHA reg that requires paper work to be filled out when installing a person lock. Just curious if anyone else has heard of this? I tried a web search and my gosh I got lost in the weeds. I?m trying to justify in my lil brain .. how a paper trail makes me safer if I put a personal lock on 120v breaker? As always your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.
If it's an OSHA reg requiring documentation each time something is locked out I'm unaware of it. Are you sure it's not a company policy reg instead? Companies are free to go above and beyond.
You may be correct, it may be a company policy that came about from someones interpretation of OSHA, however when the question was asked... why we were going down this paper work path...the answer was it was a new OSHA requirement.
Could they be confusing the "tagout" part of LOTO with "paperwork"? :blink:

I'm kind of thinking that myself... but before I jump in I wanted to make sure I was not missing somehting. I'm tying to pin down our safety guys to show me in print that this is a requirement. Like most safety thing the answers are not specific and very general in nature. It may very well be a new corporate policy... I just want to understand why we are doing this and how it makes the job safer. Might be taking the time to fill out the form make you pause a bit and think about what you are doing.
If the workers are issued personal locks that identify who the owner is then there is no ?paperwork?. If they are issued generic locks and keys, then a method must be used to identify the ?owner? of the generic lock and key. One way is to have a lock checkout sheet that the worker signs stating the date and time he/she took ownership of the lock and key; and relinquished ownership. For electrical LOTO it?s a bit redundant if the required tag has their name or other identifying mark on it. OSHA requires traceability of ownership to ensure protection. How it is done is up to the employer.
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I?m being told by some of our safety guys that there is a new OSHA reg that requires paper work to be filled out when installing a person lock.

"New" reg? The OSHA lockout standard hasn't been revised since 2008, and that was a minor revision.

Read the entire standard here (it's short):

or here:

The standard for construction, alteration and repair is here:
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