Phantom voltage from my body?

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Mstr Matt

New User
St. Louis, MO
Audio Engineer
Hey all, long time follower, first time poster!

I had something odd happen that I’m trying to find an explanation for. I’ll spare you ALL the details of what led me here.. but basically I had a small voltage showing up between my shower drain and the shower handle/shower head. Around 3v. The tub is cast iron with a PVC drain that eventually connects to cast iron and goes out.

The weird thing that’s happening is when I have one side of my multimeter in the ground or neutral of my bathroom outlet, and I touch the other lead with my hand I get around 3-5v showing up and it changes when I move locations (a few feet in each direction). What am I seeing here? Is this normal? Is my Fluke just super sensitive?! The same thing happens if I hold the probe and touch the tub with my other hand. I can’t feel one bit of current going through.. I’m just seeing voltage on the meter. I’m wondering if what I’m seeing is electromagnetic or maybe a slight potential difference due to different types of materials (my body being one of them)?

If anyone wiser than me could shed some light I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve been coming to this forum for advice for a long time and I really appreciate all the wisdom and expertise here! Thanks in advance!
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