Phase marking (is it stated anywhere?)

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Long story short, my boss says it black blue red, i was taught black red blue, for 120/240v 3 phase. The next day he comes in with a page from Lilco's redbook? which said black blue red. I said when you do "Single phase services you mark them black and red not black and blue, So why...... if blue is your B phase so you say. I was searching but my real question is does national grid or anyone else have on paper thats its black red blue?
if your boss is wiring inside (NEC) using power company guidelines (NESC), then you might have bigger problems than phasing.
Colors used for ungrounded conductors can by anthing you want except for white, grey, (200.6) green, and green with one or more yellow stripe 250.119). You can use violet, cyan and magenta for all the NEC cares.
i was taught black red blue, for 120/240v 3 phase.

For this system the high leg should be orange.

110.15 High-Leg Marking.

On a 4-wire, delta-connected system where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, only the conductor or busbar having the higher phase voltage to ground shall be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is orange in color or by other effective means. Such identification shall be placed at each point on the system where a connection is made if the grounded conductor is also present.
In most all of the buildings in my area, the high leg is "B" and like Chris Kennedy stated it is marked with orange, but the POCO wants the highleg in the far right position instead of the center for the meter to run correctly, it can cause some real confusion when you are doing work on a service....
Colors used for ungrounded conductors can by anthing you want except for white, grey, (200.6) green, and green with one or more yellow stripe 250.119). You can use violet, cyan and magenta for all the NEC cares.

In reality all there is is rotation for 3 phase motors.

I regularly group my 3 phase as 1 color when doing a lot of motors.

1 handle 3 blacks, 1 handle 3 reds, etc..

Inside every disconnect I mark the circuit number, the rotation, the date, my name and company.
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Sorry for the confusion. I'm talking about a 3 Phase 4 wire, wye connected system.

For this, I would identify my legs black, red, blue, and use white for neutral, left to right, top to bottom, and front to back depending on what positon the terminals are situated. but I have seen all differnt colors, and as far as I know there is no code that backs up either way, other than white is required for the neutral, and green for ground.
Sorry for the confusion. I'm talking about a 3 Phase 4 wire, wye connected system.

Then you will have 120/208 volts, not the 120/240 volts posted here:

Long story short, my boss says it black blue red, i was taught black red blue, for 120/240v 3 phase. The next day he comes in with a page from Lilco's redbook? which said black blue red. I said when you do "Single phase services you mark them black and red not black and blue, So why...... if blue is your B phase so you say. I was searching but my real question is does national grid or anyone else have on paper thats its black red blue?

That was the confusion.
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