phasing of ungrounded conductors

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New member
I am aware of only (3) articles in the code that address phasing of any wiring. green for grounding conductor #6 and below. White or gray for the the grounded conductor #6 and below. Orange for the high leg in a delta system. My question is can the ungrounded conductor be phased the a different color and still be code. (E.G If I have a White or blue wire in a 12/4 MC and want to rephase the colors say black or red. IS this permissable? Another Example or more practicle if I have say 3 - 250 rolls of 12/2 MC Black and want to use them for a red or blue circuit can I rephase the black to red or blue?

Thanks for any help.
I know of nothing that prohibits re-identifying the conductors.
You should look at 200.7(C) in regard to re-identifying white conductors, and 250.119(B) for re-identifying grounding conductors
Any color but white, gray or green, unless corner grounded this phase would be white or gray (odd but used). Leave em black if you don't have a stinger but job specifications may intercede.
If 210.5 applies to your ungrounded conductors, then you may have to change the required label at each panel to allow for the use of the tape as the system and voltage identification method.
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