Phone and cable

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New Jersey
Does anyone in n.j. Know where to find size of conduit for underground residential phone cable service (Verizon and Comcast) Thanks for any help
Does anyone in n.j. Know where to find size of conduit for underground residential phone cable service (Verizon and Comcast) Thanks for any help

I'm not sure that they really care. We run 1" PVC.
Verizon and AT&T spec's call for 2" minimum. I don't think Comcast cares for a standard drop (hardline or fiber is a different matter) but we always install 2".

We had a project a few years ago and at the last minute the customer ran aprox 100' of 1" PVC conduit in our service trench for the Verizon phone service. When the Verizon tech arrived to pull the cable and establish service he refused to pull through the 1" He it would be too tough of a pull and said it needed to be changed to 2" per their specs. The tech left the cut of new underground cable and said to call back when the raceway was changed to 2". Next time I was onsite I uncoiled the drop cable and pushed it in the raceway the entire way in about 5 minutes. I told him to call Verizon back.
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