Photo cells blew out

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Senior Member
Had two separate photo cells go bad apparently the same time, one an add on type and the other in a wall pack. Multifamily house, owner called that these two lights were on all the time. No other complaints. A surge of some type? I was also at this house a month ago for the same two lights. Both hps that went bad, as a quick fix I put 60w equiv cfl lamps in and they were working fine. I have done this in the past and they work for years so I don't think it had anything to do with the photcell. Maybe a coincidence? the wall pack pc and the other pc were both old.
Had two separate photo cells go bad apparently the same time, one an add on type and the other in a wall pack. Multifamily house, owner called that these two lights were on all the time. No other complaints. A surge of some type? I was also at this house a month ago for the same two lights. Both hps that went bad, as a quick fix I put 60w equiv cfl lamps in and they were working fine. I have done this in the past and they work for years so I don't think it had anything to do with the photcell. Maybe a coincidence? the wall pack pc and the other pc were both old.
Thought I'd mention this while waiting for tecnical answer:

Many times when customer reports problems occuring at the same time, it's really that he noticed it at the same time. Car wash bay lites would tend to fail on those days when owner got there early or stay late. Really it just meant that he finally noticed.
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