Photo of your bags

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Just curious what kind of gear you guys wear. I've had these since apprentice days in the early 90s... work really well. I add tools depending on what I'm doing, but this is the basics...

Right side I carry a twirly screwdriver for plate screws, good phillips, good long regular screwdriver, big screwdriver for chiseling things, curved dykes, strippers, twirly wire nut driver, tape measure, razor knife, pencil, pen, felt black marker, 2 nuts drivers (popular sizes), hot stick, fine small regular screw driver (for getting wire out of stabbed devices), holster (carry hammer there or screw gun), has pocket for nut drivers I chuck in my drill.

Left side is wire nut pouch (yellows & tans in big section, red nuts in smaller one) & general small pouch (usually carry stapes there & crimp sleeves). Do mostly resi... plastic container carries staples, sheet rock screws, long sheet rock screws & plastic plumber's pipe for shimming devices, safety pin with shims from receptacle/switch ears, 8/32s, 6/32s, crimp sleeves, ground screws & tek screws...screwtips for phillips & square/canadian head drives & drill bit

Suspends help a lot, padded as well...


edit to remove silly shirt & explode bags :cool:
edit to add the rest of the crap ;o)
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electricalperson said:
i see you use that bosch drill. i got the same one and i love it i use it on everything. saves the wrist
A gc that I was working for the other day has that drill and I tried it out, and I was immediatly sold. My 28v millwaulee gets heavy after a while.

I love that shirt by the way, beats the old work tee
You're back is gonna hate you guys at 40.You NEED every tool of the trade But, you don't NEED every tool of the trade on you're hip all I use a bag to carry the bulk of my tools.Plus a service truck to haul the rest. I use two leather pouches one for wire nuts pens etc. the other for the tools. I keep it simple 1 9in pair of side cutters, 1 offset screw driver,1 straight trim screw driver,1 pair of strippers, 1 razor knife,1 pair of needle nose pliers,and 1 10-in- one screw driver. If i'm running MC i add a Roto split. If i'm running pipe I add a srew driver with a reamer and a level.For trouble shooting I'll add the meter or amprobe. I've never understood why people carry 50LBS of tools all day and only use 4 tools 80% of the time.I do have a 4 wheeled cart to carry the bag and drills etc.. But, on my hip I only carry what I will use on the task at hand.Granted I'm the BOSS so I always know what I'll be doing .:grin:
I so don't get it. When I moved from CT to CO I was amazed that everyone felt the need to carry almost every tool they owned all the time. I walk into a job carrying my 18" tool bag and my cordless tools. I leave them on the floor. 90% of the time my weapons consist of linesman's, a 10-in1, and a Vol-Con. On resi roughs I drop the Vol-Con and carry a hammer and tape measure. Etc etc. The point is I carry the tools for the job at hand. I have never found a use for the 3/16" nut driver and don't see a need to carry it. I have had people try to argue the point why they need padded suspenders to haul the gear they think they need all day, but I have never bought into the (il)logic. My hips, knees, back feel fine. My.02

(I do wear a nail apron when appropriate)
I have a tool belt. Haven't actually worn it in 3 years. I carry what I need for the task at hand in my pockets.

Of course, I'm the boss, so I know what I'm doing. :grin:
I wear bags most of the time, but it's amazing what I can do without if I have to crawl back in an attic or crawl space. :grin:
ishium 80439 said:
I so don't get it. When I moved from CT to CO I was amazed that everyone felt the need to carry almost every tool they owned all the time. I walk into a job carrying my 18" tool bag and my cordless tools. I leave them on the floor. 90% of the time my weapons consist of linesman's, a 10-in1,~~~~~ I have had people try to argue the point why they need padded suspenders to haul the gear they think they need all day, but I have never bought into the (il)logic. My hips, knees, back feel fine. My.02

(I do wear a nail apron when appropriate)

There are many who feel "You ain't workin' if you ain't got yur Bags On!!" They're usually hunch backed old men - with closed minds....

And I do appreciate the other 'School' so to speak....

Boxes vs Bags - as I have worked for people from both - both are equally effective.

Me - some Skillers work pants, Knipex linemans, and a few Wiha screw drivers and a 16' measuring tape. All else is in boxes suited for the purpose - An MC bx, a EMT bx, a Tel/data bx, a Romex bx - each with some tools suited for each task, and some basic materials for each.
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