Re: Photometric Calculations for Auto Cad LT
As others have mentioned, there are many third party applications which may be used for Photometric Calculations. Some will OLE "easily" into an AutoCAD session, others will not.
Maybe creating an AutoLISP is the best way to go?
For applications which you can bring data in via OLE, build a Database template in AutoCAD, along with create blocks in which you can place at given points across the Photometric layout. Insert data to these blocks' attributes as needed.
Through OLE, along with ODBC (like comma delim' format), you can do external calcs + etc., then bring the data into an AutoCAD drawing.
Also via AutoLISP, DIESEL and VBA, you can create extremely helpful automated tasks and routines within the AutoCAD environment.
I have used limited custom LISP and VBA routines within an AutoCAD "Light" (LT) environment.
This was AutoCAD LT 2002 version, which was used in the Office at an EC I used to work with.
I have the full version(s) of AutoCAD at home. R14 and 2000 - each on different machines.
Used full versions since the "DOS" era, and also with "Old Windows" (Windows 3.0, 3.1 and 3.11).
Tried using the LT version of R13 - and hated it!!!
I have done a few Photometric Layouts, which show Fc levels at given points across a Parking area. These were for ATM area lighting layouts to conform with California's Financial Code 13000.
What are you doing Photometric calcs for?
P.S. edited to correct some bad spelling (Pore Spel-eeng)!
[ May 11, 2004, 10:01 PM: Message edited by: scott thompson ]