Physis 2 == The Anomaly

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Physis 2

First, I'm honored by everybody's concern and thoughts. It's nice to know, if nothing else, that I might be missed during an absence.

By Dave:

I'm thinking his computer crashed.
Close, I have some substancial password and security access problems. I can't get into even my Email accounts.

By Dave:

Originally posted by sandsnow:

I think you may have found him.

Nope, Sam doesn't Capitalize his member names.
Physis 2 is an imposter!
An understandable factor to consider, but when I originally registered I either didn't have the option to capitolize or wasn't resourceful enough to make it happen. Either way, not enough for a conviction.

By CharlieB:

Not only that, but "physis 2" has become "unregistered." Za plot zickens.
There's a difference in the first incarnation of Physis2 and the second.

There's a space in the seond.

Anyway, I'm simply don't have time right now to do much more than say that appreciate everybody's concern.

When I can I'll bring you guys up to date.

Edit: Error A

[ September 26, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Physis 2 ]


Staff member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

After re-reading my post....Mike was right.



Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Fair enough Sam...I think I can speak for everyone when I say, it's real good to hear from you.


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

As of right now I'm with Bryan.



Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Originally posted by roger:
As of right now I'm with Bryan.

In reading bryan's post, and also giving it some thought..*Me too.

It seems that Sam had some E-mail address of some of the members.Now,if he couldn't access his E-mail,but have read the six-page thread,he would be aware of people trying to contact him.

*Lets see if this person,can return the electronic mail,from his memory of the address.. :eek:

Surely,he might remeber one..


Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Can I step in here? Could a moderator compare the ISP address or node or whatever it is called of Physis and Physis2 ? Might lead to different zones of the country.

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

I believe it to be his captor, trying to throw us off the scent.

Speaking of anomalies, I am still puzzling over that message on my cell phone Sunday night...

[ September 20, 2005, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: georgestolz ]


Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Well George & Larry,no puzzling cell phone messages here.

But my oweja board,says it just may be suspect.. :eek:

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Originally posted by macmikeman: Could a moderator compare the ISP address or node or whatever it is called of Physis and Physis2? Might lead to different zones of the country.
The numbers are very different, but that tells me nothing.


Staff member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Originally posted by georgestolz:
Speaking of anomalies, I am still puzzling over that message on my cell phone Sunday night...
I may know someone that has knowledge about that, what's it worth to you? :D


Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

i didn't think he would misspell the words that he did. I opt for version "G", the pods have taken over. not even the same language structure and usage, type of humor. he would have made some pretty funny or off-hand remarks.



Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

If this guy is who he says he is, then we just need to wait to see the content of his posts. Sam, in my opinion is so extremely knowledgeable, I for one always have to read his posts at least twice to understand the content. I get blown away to see people with this much knowledge packed up into one brain, and for me, since I am definitely not in that class, I stand back in awe.


Senior Member
Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

Originally posted by macmikeman:
Sam, in my opinion is so extremely knowledgeable, I for one always have to read his posts at least twice to understand the content. I get blown away to see people with this much knowledge packed up into one brain, and for me, since I am definitely not in that class, I stand back in awe.
Thats a great post right there.
I know I am certianly one of those that are awestruck on a regular basis as well.

Physis 2

Re: Physis 2 == The Anomaly

OK, so who else would use the word anomaly?

For Bryan, there are two kinds of condenstaes that are the fourth and fifth states of matter. (They're really the same but hadrons and bosons do have some significant fundimental differences)

Email addresses? Sorry, I rely on the software to remember.

You're not going to get my headquarters IP for at least a week or so, being optomistic.

Roger, buss extensions? I don't think it's intended but you might have them on a technicality. (That can be sourced from the forum though) You remember 'babies' though.

Larry, I do appreciate the kind thought, but, I really don't have the same professional consistancy and expertise as the moderators of the forum.

I could expose Rattus' real name. But I wont.

I'm not really thinking that's bait George, but if it is, I don't have you're phone number.

macmikeman, you're right. You can certainly at least localise an IP address block, find it's owner or allocated user, even if just an internet provider without specific account data. There might be a problem in that an ISP doesn't necessarily have to be nearby the user account location though.

The numbers should be very different Charlie. This one's government.

Wow, the last two posts, stop it alread, I can't actually measure up to that.

Guys, again, it's nice to know I'm missed. Thanks.

Edit: Error B

[ September 26, 2005, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Physis 2 ]
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