PI: 225.30

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Senior Member
Berkeley, CA
This change better reflects my understanding that Articles 225 and 230 are disjoint, and that neither one regulates forms of supply to a building subject to the other Article.

A corollary to that would be that a building can be supplied by one service, and one branch circuit or feeder, without restriction. That's my understanding of the current state of play, but it has been suggested that the intention is to restrict a building to one source of supply of any type, absent one of the conditions listed.

So if that's really the case, and if that's really a good idea, a different PI would be appropriate to make that happen clearly. Please let me know if you think that's the intention and/or if that's a good idea. I already know what changes would be required to 225.30 and 230.2, so it's just a matter of writing the substantiation.

225.30 Number of Branch Circuit or Feeder Supplies.

Statement of Problem and Substantiation for Public Input

In keeping with the scope of Article 225, this change clarifies that the supplies covered by 225.30 are only branch circuits and feeders, and that that 225.30 does not regulate services in any way. As the wording currently stands, the subsequent phrase "shall be supplied by only one feeder or branch circuit" can be interpreted to preclude additional supply by a service.
I am looking for opinions on 225.30 We are working on a townhome. Load calculations push it over 200A.

There is a detached garage where the main service is built (Overhead utilities come from the alley). Our engineer designed the service (It must be reviewed and approved by the city - Denver) to be a 300A overhead service. We used a Siemens meter combo (#MK0402L1400SC) with a150A and a 200A Main breaker.

We ran feeds to two panels on the residence (W/Main Breakers). The 150A feed passes through a feed through lug panel (Panel G - Garage) before it goes underground to the residence.

This panel is used for the garage circuits (Lights, 20A receptacle circuit and EV charger). We are being told that this design violates 225.30 (B). We are being told that by doing this the feeder does not originate in the metering equipment.

We suggested that we bring a feeder circuit back from the main residence to Panel G, but were told this too is a violation.

We are getting no feedback from the city. We suggested that since they are the AHJ 225.30 (C) (2) could apply.

Thank You!
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