Pilot light for gutter warmers

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Senior Member
Anybody know of a pilot light that I could use in series with gutter warmers? Inside, dry location.
The problem with standerd pilot lights, is they go on when the switch is on. The heater could be unplugged and the light still works.
I want one that the current goes through the light, so if the warmer isn't working the light won't light. Like an old Christmas tree light.
A simple lamp in series with your load would need to be very high current and low voltage. Better would be to use a current transformer with a suitable lamp on the CT output terminals, rather than a meter.

A search for the term 'current indicator' pulls up these possibilities:

McMaster has 'current indicating rings'

Lots of choices.

CR Magnetics has a wide selection of CT indicators. They're lower cost than many other CT's I've looked at as well.


The model I linked to will indicate at more than 0.75A draw. It has a capacity of up to 20A.

And with any CT type monitoring device - multiple passes of the monitored conductor through the CT can increase how low of a current is possible to be sensed. So if the linked model only is triggered by .75 A or more, and you only have a .50 amp load then looping the conductor twice through the CT will make it see 1.0 amps.
And with any CT type monitoring device - multiple passes of the monitored conductor through the CT can increase how low of a current is possible to be sensed. So if the linked model only is triggered by .75 A or more, and you only have a .50 amp load then looping the conductor twice through the CT will make it see 1.0 amps.

Good point. I had assumed that the gutter heaters would probably draw more than 0.75A. That information could come in handy though, if one had to sense a small current for some reason.

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