Pink slip for Engineer at 87..........

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Based on car and home it would appear that he lived well below his means. No Rolex watch or Italian suit here. The public so misjudge those who do not flaunt their wealth. Why does a kid with a $100,000 ear ring and tosses a ball into a basket outshine a man like this??? Our sense of values does seem in need of re-calibration.
Based on car and home it would appear that he lived well below his means. No Rolex watch or Italian suit here. The public so misjudge those who do not flaunt their wealth. Why does a kid with a $100,000 ear ring and tosses a ball into a basket outshine a man like this??? Our sense of values does seem in need of re-calibration.

Schools put value on sports over academics. The media flaunts celebrities on their high and lows. We are constantly fed a steady stream of bling over accomplishment. Yet people seem to certainly enjoy the gifts this man gave to society without a second thought.
Why does a kid with a $100,000 ear ring and tosses a ball into a basket outshine a man like this??? Our sense of values does seem in need of re-calibration.

Schools put value on sports over academics. The media flaunts celebrities on their high and lows. We are constantly fed a steady stream of bling over accomplishment. Yet people seem to certainly enjoy the gifts this man gave to society without a second thought.

Gladiators and Chariots racers were the most admired men in ancient Rome. Name one?

Some men will make the history books and others will not, no matter how much temporary fame and fortune they get.
Gladiators and Chariots racers were the most admired men in ancient Rome. Name one?

Some men will make the history books and others will not, no matter how much temporary fame and fortune they get.

Great engineering (roads, aqueducts, bridges) were the hallmarks of the Roman Empire. The fall of Rome was due to corruption, excesses, decadence. Perhaps they also should have placed their engineering on a higher pedestal??? Are we following their bad example or must we change our ways???
Gladiators and Chariots racers were the most admired men in ancient Rome. Name one?

Some men will make the history books and others will not, no matter how much temporary fame and fortune they get.

Can't, I am bad at history. But sadly Rome eventually fell.
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