Pipe fill in a 3/4 pipe . Current carrying conductors

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I'm trying to fill as many current carrying conductors as I can in a 3/4 pipe by code. I can do 9 #12on a 20 amp breaker before derating code issues , but if I use # 10 derate them on 20 amp breakers how many current carrying conductors can I use in 3/4 pipe?Basically trying to get the most cuircuits as I can in a 3/4 I don't mind deratting if I can get more conductors in pipe. The answer would be nice along with the formula. I generally just a run extra pipe and keep the fill down . It's been couble years since I touch this topic of derating just want to get my facts straight .
I know how to use conduit fill charts but this doesn't help me out in this particular topic.
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