Pizza Restaurant arcade game receptacle

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Senior Member
Baton Rouge, LA
A pizza place the family and I like to eat at has an arcade game (the claw that you try to grab stuffed animals with). The receptacle it's plugged in to is missing the faceplate. I informed them of it several weeks ago and surprisingly they haven't fixed it (sarcasm). Is there some governing body I could report this to? Or any other action I could take? Seems like a recipe for a dangerous situation, thoughts?
You can put in a call to your local AHJ inspector, Fire Chief, Mayor, County Commissioner, Governor etc probably with little results. If I was really concerned I would take a receptacle cover plate & install it on my next visit. You might even get a free meal out of the Manager.
You can put in a call to your local AHJ inspector, Fire Chief, Mayor, County Commissioner, Governor etc probably with little results. If I was really concerned I would take a receptacle cover plate & install it on my next visit. You might even get a free meal out of the Manager.
The receptacle and the box it's in are crooked where it doesn't look like a plate would fit on it. Guessing that's why it is the way it is now. Thanks though.
You said the receptacle & box are crooked. I am going to assume that one side of the box extends past the sheetrock. If that is the case F-straps aka Battleships, Madison Clips, box supports, Hold Its, could be used to pull the offending side of the box back into the wall.
If my kids like going there i would probably grab a cover and put one one myself too. I would probably go ahead and try to straighten the box and tell the manager to let the building owner know what you did and to Please call you if ever needs an electrician and drop a stack of business cards by the register.
:lol: What the heck!

Just eat your pizza at a different table, or put a cover on it next time you come in! :lol: Would you really call a fire Marshall because they have a receptacle that's missing a cover?!!! HA!

Dude, worry about something else.
A pizza place the family and I like to eat at has an arcade game (the claw that you try to grab stuffed animals with). The receptacle it's plugged in to is missing the faceplate. I informed them of it several weeks ago and surprisingly they haven't fixed it (sarcasm). Is there some governing body I could report this to? Or any other action I could take? Seems like a recipe for a dangerous situation, thoughts?

Call the electrical inspector.
:lol: What the heck!

Just eat your pizza at a different table, or put a cover on it next time you come in! :lol: Would you really call a fire Marshall because they have a receptacle that's missing a cover?!!! HA!

Dude, worry about something else.

^^^Seriously this.^^^​
That's funny. I always look. One time I was in a restaurant and I noticed an exit light right over an alcove that housed one dining table. It was obvious that the electrician failed to remove the left arrow cover of the universal exit sign. I pointed it out to the manager, and the next time I went in it was fixed. I was impressed.
:lol: What the heck!

Just eat your pizza at a different table, or put a cover on it next time you come in! :lol: Would you really call a fire Marshall because they have a receptacle that's missing a cover?!!! HA!

Dude, worry about something else.

Thanks for the advice man, cleared it up for me.
I visited Mexico a few years ago. You could not believe the amount of unacceptable electrical work. I took 100's of pictures of exposed wires, exposed meter pans, etc, etc. It was mind boggling. I filled up 2 memory cards. I guess the kids there learn real fast what not to touch.
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