Are there any code restrictions for placing a pullbox in front of a rear access switchgear door if the section can still be accesses via a front access door?
Contractor is trying to pull new cables into an existing LV switchgear enclosure which was originally bottom entry and is now intending to put a pull box mounted to rear switchgear door to turn cables into switchgear enclosure for termination.
This will obviously prevent access with the rear door, however this section is just the incoming pull section of the switchgear and thus allows access through a front door. In this case is it permissible to block the rear access door with a pullbox if the interior of switchgear section can be accessesd from front?
Contractor is trying to pull new cables into an existing LV switchgear enclosure which was originally bottom entry and is now intending to put a pull box mounted to rear switchgear door to turn cables into switchgear enclosure for termination.
This will obviously prevent access with the rear door, however this section is just the incoming pull section of the switchgear and thus allows access through a front door. In this case is it permissible to block the rear access door with a pullbox if the interior of switchgear section can be accessesd from front?